TGIF Concerts in The Parks
Thank you for partnering with Carlsbad Friends of the Arts to support the Concerts in the Park and other Cultural Arts programs in The City of Carlsbad.
Your tax deductible* contribution of gift cards, tickets, gift baskets, or a Grand Prize Package Valued at about $500 for the Opportunity Drawings is a great way to encourage new business and show your support for the community.
- Please complete the contact information section of the contract.
- Provide a description and estimated value of your donation.
- Digitally sign the contract.
Thank you,
Amanda Ecoff
Development Director
*Carlsbad Friends of the Arts is a non-profit 501(c)3 corporation. Tax id# 33-0259732
Please mail your certificates to:
Carlsbad Friends of the Arts*
TGIF Concert Series
7040 Avenida Encinas, Ste 104-442
Carlsbad, CA 92011
*Pick-up is available by request
Donations and forms are due: Monday, June 17, 2024